Monday, November 9, 2009

After a rough start last week Janice seems to be settling into the retired life routine very well. She has learned to load into the car and stairs are no problem.
She loves to eat and loves treats. She is learning about stuffies but does not seem very interested in them right now accept maybe as a replacement puppy. Janice is learning not to pull when on lead but is doing very well. She has had no accidents in the house and plays well with the 3 other greys in the house. She is a very strong girl but learns very quickly. Janice was at M&G and seems to really like kids. She had no problem with the small dogs. She is an outgoing girl now that things have settled down a bit. She had decided that I am not so bad and follows me everywhere. We are working on the crate but if she is not left alone she does very well. I am sure with a little time Janice will figure out retired life.

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